
前晚去参加了Singapore Web Standards Group的聚会。

聚会上Yuhui介绍了Web标准;Chu Yeow介绍了Firefox的一些小秘技;Lucian介绍了微格式(Microformats)


Chu Yeow没有做什么准备就开始演示了,这种随意反而让会场去掉了拘谨,变成一次真正的交流聚会。


这次聚会也遇到了一些新加坡其它的网上活跃分子,如老是在录像的Kevin Lim,老是提问题的Coleman,老是在帮人的Preetam,老是讲笑话的Zac,和象她做的网页一般可爱的Veron等等。


最近的一期HBR IdeacastWikinomics一书的作者Don Tapscott的做了一次采访。正好在参加这次聚会的来回途上把这期播客听了两遍。



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德里之行 1 -Hibiscus Project

When I heard of the Hibiscus project in the first time, James Bond’s tagline, deep voice came across my mind,

“I am Peng, Jacky Peng, from Hibiscus.”

I have read many Chinese spy stories when I was small. In the stories, those Chinese secret projects were usually code-named with flower names.The Hibiscus project, 芙蓉计划 in Chinese, sounds like a James Bond’s secret task to me.

Akwe Amosu introduced me this project few months ago. I was excited about it not just because its sexy name. As Daudi Were pointed out in this Delhi meeting,

“…A lot of the info we get about China comes from the West, and a lot of the info they talk about us comes from the West as well,”

There is a huge gap between both sides. Hibiscus is designed to create an on-line community for Chinese and African, facilitating conversations between both sides. That is something I love to participate and something my little bridge is meant to do.

Ethan and Imnakoya have some great summaries about the meeting. Here are some of my notes and thoughts on Hibiscus.
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AV girl for your health

Poster on the street

Angel In Whitesource Joy Loft

The huge words on this big poster read, “Angels In White, the guards of your health.” It is well-known in China that Angels In White stands for nurse. The girl looks fine on the poster. This is a poster on Shuzhou’s street.

Shuzhou is a city near Shanghai. It is the host city of recent 2nd General Assembly and Conference of the Alliance for Healthy Cities (AFHC), an event supported by the World Health Organization (WHO).

This poster is just part of the propaganda of the event. Such poster is very common in China.

Not many people had noticed this poster until someone discovered who the girl on the poster was and where the photo was from.

If you feel the above picture is a bit boring, the one below should raise your eyebrow.

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