
Silent Protest最近新加坡有一次抗议

大约30个身穿褐色(brown)服装的年轻人,前几天(7月9号)下午聚集一起,以无声抗议(Silent Protest)的方式,就《今日报》中止新加坡著名博客写手mr brown在其报上的专栏一事,表达不满。他们是在前一天晚间透过互传手机简讯的方式进行联络,邀请所有mr brown的支持者,在下午二时左右聚集在新加坡政府大厦地铁站,举行历时30分钟的无声抗议。


mr brown事件的主角是mr brown,布朗先生,所以我把这次事件叫做“布朗事件”。当然,这件事与几十年前最终导致美国废除种族隔离的布朗案不能相提并论,不过它在新加坡博客群中的影响不小。到目前为止,mr brown的博客上已经总共约有800则关于此事的留言。

mr brown(原名李健敏,Lee Kin Mun)的博客文笔机智诙谐,触觉敏鋭,内容非常贴近新加坡生活,广受新加坡博客的推崇,被誉为新加坡最出名的博客。

mr brown还是新加坡tomorrow.sg的创建人之一。tomorrow.sg是新加坡一大热门博客聚会(Blog Aggregation)网。tomorrow.sg由14个自由编辑负责收集博客的文章,收集到的文章只要获得两个编辑同意就可以在tomorrow.sg上发表。有点类似Slahdot的运营模式,只是tomorrow.sg专注于新加坡。

另外,mr brown也是新加坡最受欢迎的播客网the mrbrown show的主持人。the mrbrown show其中一集《肉脞面》(the mrbrown show 1 May 2006: the persistently non-political podcast no. 6)据说录得有10万次的下载(见《肉脞面》- 新媒体)。

mr brown之前是在新加坡销量最大的免费报纸《今日报》的邀请下为它的专栏执笔。他在最近一期的专栏里发表了题为《新加坡人对增长感到厌烦》(Singaporeans are fed, up with progress)的文章。文章涉及日前新加坡政府发表的全国住户调查出租车涨价电费上调增长配套新加坡”智慧国2015“计划及特殊学校收费的支付能力调查等。

Cost of watching World Cup is up. Price of electricity is up. Comfort’s taxi fares are going up. Oh, sorry, it was called “being revised”. Even the prata man at my coffeeshop just raised the price of his prata by 10 cents. He was also revising his prata prices.

We are very thankful for the timing of all this good news, of course. Just after the elections, for instance. By that I mean that getting the important event out of the way means we can now concentrate on trying to pay our bills.


很快新加坡政府就对此作出措辞强硬的回应。新闻、通讯及艺术部长李文献医生的新闻秘书K.芭娃妮(K Bhavani)在写给《今日报》的回复(Distorting the truth, mr brown?)中,斥责mr brown的那篇评论歪曲事实,一味地把他的不满归咎于政府。

mr brown’s views on all these issues distort the truth. They are polemics dressed up as analysis, blaming the Government for all that he is unhappy with. He offers no alternatives or solutions. His piece is calculated to encourage cynicism and despondency, which can only make things worse, not better, for those he professes to sympathise with.

mr brown is entitled to his views. But opinions which are widely circulated in a regular column in a serious newspaper should meet higher standards. Instead of a diatribe mr brown should offer constructive criticism and alternatives. And he should come out from behind his pseudonym to defend his views openly.

她更指出,mr brown可以拥有自己的观点,但这种刊登在正规报纸的定期专栏,应该具有更高的水平:只是一味发表意见是不行的,还要有建议。

《今日报》随即撤销了mr brown的专栏,于是就引起了上述的抗议。

一开始,新加坡政府的反应多少令人有些意外,因为新闻、通讯及艺术部的公关学院(PR Academy)在上个月举办的常年大会上,大会嘉宾新闻、通讯及艺术部长李文献医生还在开幕演讲时说,mr brown以幽默的表达手法制作出“聪明、好玩的作品”,并将《肉脞面》形容为“经典之作”。

但在今天的报纸上,新加坡政府明确立场:政府愿意对互联网空间里的内容采取“柔性处理手法”(lighter touch),并不等于会以同样的态度对待主流媒体。(见《李文献重申政府立场:主流报纸绝不能散播具误导性观点》




Rambling on my trip to Indonesia – 1

“The market is picking up. Your business must be doing very well now.” I asked a businessman in a gathering.

I saw quite a number of new construction projects going on when I visited Tg. Pinnang recently. Building new houses, I reckoned it was a good indicator for local economy.

Who will build new houses without extra money? If the economy is not growing, what are these new houses for? Furthermore, new construction projects bring in more jobs for local people.

“NOOOO…” A big no and frustration, “Nobody wants to invest after the new labour law.”

The Indonesian new labour law was implemented in 2003. It went too far to protect the workers and was being abused by the workers, according to this businessman. During the time I was in Indonesia, there was some big protests against the revision of the labour law. The Indonesian government expected the revision would bring in more investment into the country.

“Oh, but I find so many new buildings in town this time.” I asked.

“That’s not because of good economic.”

Since the President Wahid (1999-2001), the Indonesian government has started loosing the restrictions on Indonesian Chinese. The Chinese communities in Indonesia are more comfortable to spend now.

This reminded me the horrible and disgusting Jakarta Riots of May 1998. Many Indonesian Chinese were killed; women were mass raped; many shops were looted and burnt. (See some pictures here. Reminder: Some of the pictures were not taken in the roit, but from other incidents of Indonesia.注意:该网上的图并不全是98年印尼暴乱的。)

Tg. Pinnang has a large percentage of ethic-Chinese; it is close to Singapore; it has not experienced any big riot during that time. In fact, it was a safe harbour to many Jakarta Chinese businesspersons.

Still, many Indonesian Chinese there are living in fear.

They have already accustomed to such fear years after years.

They just feel a little bit relief now.

A washroom with Da Vinci Code

I went across a newly renovated hawker center and saw this sign yesterday.


Which side for man; which side for woman?

To solve the puzzle, you got to have some basic knowledge of symbolism, or to see the Da Vinci Code movie/book.

The fad of Da Vinci Code has left its mark in front of this toilet.

Singaporean really have a sense of humour here, though it is a bit stressful for those running around to answer the nature call.

I wonder if a person sees a star of david outside a washroom, what should s/he do?

My advice is,

Do your research before do your business!




在Youtube上有关巴士阿叔的各种影片已经累计录得8百万点击了;就连这边的鬼佬也整天一个劲的Bus Uncle地不停。


















“我有压力! 你有压力!你为什么挑衅我!##×※%※×”



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