木瓜教程之Google Docs使用手册

Google Docs是一个基于Web的工具,它有跟Word相近的编辑界面,有一套简单易用的文档权限管理,而且它还记录下所有用户对文档所做的修改。

Google Docs的这些功能令它非常适用于网上共享与协作编辑文档。

Google Docs甚至可以用于监控责任清晰,目标明确的项目进度。对于简单的项目,它使用起来直接了当,不像dotProject那般复杂。

从Writely开始,我就一直在使用这个网上文档编辑工具。Writely被Google买去之后,整个工具跟Google的其它系统如Gmail,Google Spreadsheets等结合在一起,并且更名为Google Docs & Spreadsheets。这个木瓜教程讲的只是其中的Docs那部分,因此我这里只叫它Google Docs了。

另外,跟其它很多Google的产品一样,Google Docs在Firefox上有最好的显示效果,因此,这个教程引用的所有例子都是在Firefox上实现的。

  1. 登陆Google Docs
  2. 我一直很纳闷为什么国内的朋友很少知道Google Docs,因为Google Docs的链接如下图,就在Gmail主页的左上角上,一点就进去了。后来我才知道,如果Gmail的显示语言是设成中文的话,这个链接现在是没有的,相信Google Docs的中文版出来来后应该会加上去吧。

    Gmail Link

    图1:从英文版的Gmail进到Google Docs



    如果有Gmail帐号的话,可以用Gmail帐号登陆。如果你用习惯了原来的电邮地址,还不想体验Gmail的超级功能的话,你也可以点击登陆页面上的“Create a new Google Account”链接,用你的电邮地址来建立一个Google帐号。

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African, Our Brothers

This is a blog post written by Mr. Zhai hua.

Mr. Zhai graduated from Tsinghua University, Beijing. He continued his study in France, and received his Master’s degree and his PhD there. He has worked in France, Thailand, Côte d’Ivoire, Philippine and many other countries.

Mr. Zhai is the organizer and main contributor to his group blog, Eastern Cultures, Western Words ( 东方文化西方语). His posts mainly cover his interesting experiences in different countries.

In this post, African, Our Brothers, Mr. Zhai refutes some Chinese common stereotypes of African with his personal experiences. Also, he talks about his various interesting encounters with African.

African, Our Brothers

Original post: 《称兄道弟说非洲》

Translators: EPIN

Editor: Jacky Peng

I had stayed in Africa, a place far away from China, for seven years. The China-African Forum reminds me, an “old African buddy”, of those old African friends, more accurate, my African brothers. Chinese always say, “While we’re strange in the first time we meet, we will get familiar in the second time.” However, when African meet others in the first time, they can fraternize. It does not matter whether he is a king, a president, or an ordinary people, all men are brothers. Since they are brothers, they will make some casual remarks. At that time when we were at work, whenever some black colleagues saw me, they would shout to me loudly, “Mon frere, on dit quoi?” (“My brother, something to say?”) “Something to say” is a customary term for many French-speaking Africans. It is for greeting, and also means “Is there any news or anything interesting?” As we met every day, normally there was nothing new. So I often responded frankly, “My brother, there’s nothing I can say.” After listening to my words, the African guy deliberately argued, “Hey, why? Aren’t you my brother?” When a white colleague saw this, he joked with us, “You guys look not like brothers; you are comrades!”
Continue reading “African, Our Brothers”



大家都对中国感兴趣:从成都到金瓶梅到雷锋到AV girl for your health到东北到长城到利玛窦…相谈甚欢。


末了我问一句,”Do you want a baby?”

得到甩手摇头,“Not any more, after hear what you said….”

“haha…” 我听了这个答案恶作剧地大笑。






一天, 我肚子痛, 就指着肚子对康康说: “妈咪肚子痛痛。” 那个小可爱就掀开我的衣服亲了亲我的肚子, 然后就咚咚的跑开了,一会儿,他又飞奔过来,手里拿着一个东西,一一边跑一边喊:“ 妈咪擦油。” 我仔细一看,果然是我们平时给他擦的油, 当时我很感动,很高兴,连忙又亲又抱, 擦了油,肚子好像就真的不痛了.

我在厨房做家务事, 康康就在旁边爬高爬低,问这问那, 我即担心他跌倒,又被他吵得头痛,真的烦人。突然间听到敲东西的声音,我转身一看,我的天啊!他正在用一个铁汤匙使劲的敲那两只乌龟的背,他看到我瞪着他,就一脸严肃的说:“我打龟龟,龟龟跌倒了。”我们那两只可怜的小龟龟!


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