剪刀、石头、布!Rock, Paper, Scissors



NPR(National Public Radio,美国的国家公共电台)为此还采访了剪刀石头布的专业选手Jason Simmons。Jason 在这期播客里露了一手,两下子把主持人赢趴下了。Jason简单介绍了一下他的战术。不过Jason说,一般人称呼这个游戏为Rock, Paper, Scissors,或Paper,Rock, Scissors,很少人把Scissors放在前面。这只是美国的情况。中国很多地方是先说剪刀,他那一套心理战术对中国人而言要改变一下。


斯坦福大学的 RoshamBot比了比,13场里面我赢5场,输4场,平4场,这个Robot没有传说中的那么厉害--还是我太厉害了。










How to eliminate your old PC? 如何甩掉旧电脑?

Intel has launched its flagship product Core Duo 2 Processors for almost 2 months. But as Microsoft delayed delivery of the Windows Vista, many people don’t see the necessity to replace their old machine.

Therefore those want to try out the Intel’s latest high-flyer have to come up with some creative/extreme ways to destroy their old machine.

Here are some funny clips which teach people how to eliminate the old PC. I have shown them to many friends. The more interesting thing is that different clips appeal to different people with different backgrounds in different ways.

Make a clean cut(劈空掌-一刀两断)

Though the banner behind shows Karate, many of my Chinese friend take this as Taekwondo.

In China, Karate is pronounced Kong Shou Dao(空手道). Most Japanese Kanji looks the same as traditional Chinese, but pronounced differently. This causes many problems for Chinese when they read Japanese names in English. For example, many of them have no idea who Koizumi is, though they know Xiao Quan(小泉) is the former Prime Minister of Japan.

Also, they consider the Taijitu banner something related to Korean. Probably they have watched too many Korean movies.

This clip is comprehensible to people from the West too. Maybe they have seen such supernatural phenomenon in those anti-gravity KongFu movies, such as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Just add water(女中豪杰-水漫金山)

Many Chinese girls find this clip the most interesting. This clip reminds them those Korean movie they have watched.

About 5 years back in China, Japanese TV drama dominated many Chinese regional TV stations, but now, Korean TV drama and movies are the fad. In those movies, just like in this clip, the female characters are fierce, determined and a bit violence sometimes.

This really puzzles me. In my knowledge, Korean are more endocentric than Chinese. A Korean friend told me that, in many Korean companies, if there is no cleaner in the office, female staff will undoubtedly take up such cleaning work. It is the unwritten rule in their offices.

Well, the girl must have had to clean everything up after destroying the machine.

The great escape(走为上-逃出生天) Continue reading “How to eliminate your old PC? 如何甩掉旧电脑?”










Continue reading “疯狂的石头,疯狂的梦”

Toes Are to Tickle

The Toes Are to Tickle is about a day of the life of an US family. It is written in the eyes of the kids. The colorful illustrations are bright side notes of the playful story. I chuckled as the lines such as “Bird are to chase.” and “A purse is to empty.” reminded me what KangKang usually did everyday. And the breezy rhythm makes the story easy to read.

I read this story to KangKang last night, but he did not enjoy the book so much as his dad did. Probably that’s because Chinese is now his most frequent used language. Furthermore, some scenes of the book are in the US which our KangKang has never seen before.

Continue reading “Toes Are to Tickle”