趣闻摘要 3月16日


一份调查报告显示,打”Gears of War,” “Lost Planet,” “Halo” 等等动作游戏可以提高人在复杂环境下的分辨能力。当然,象”Tetris” 这样的静态游戏没有这种效果。



  1. 伦敦,英国

    by Brian Weinberg

  2. 巴黎,法国

    by phil h

  3. 莫斯科,俄罗斯 Continue reading “趣闻摘要 3月16日”


 一早就收到Isaac发给我的Joost的测试邀请。原来Joost的来头不小,它是Janus Friis和Niklas Zennstrom这对黄金搭档的又一惊人之作。

Janus Friis和Niklas Zennstrom是Kazaa和Skype的创始人。他们把Skype卖给了eBay,拿了26亿美刀后没有跑去沙滩晒太阳,休长假。去年他们就秘密开始了一个叫威尼斯的计划,目标是要把电视搬到网上。








前段时间在Ideas Factory China上讨论OLPC的时候,顺子说,

6、Office Word的使用。




  1. 能安装、运行基本程序;
  2. 能作基本文档编辑;
  3. 能作基本图片编辑;
  4. 能在网上注册使用虚拟社区(如论坛,博客等)帐号;
  5. 能使用电邮与别人联系;
  6. 能使用搜索引擎找到信息。


软件可用性的鼻祖Jakob Nielsen最近提出了他的看法

他认为,小学生学习怎样使用Excel没有什么意义,因为这些软件的功能在不断完善,大部分功能以后都会很容易使用. 学校应该教学生他们不大可能自学得到的东西.


  1. 搜索策略
  2. 信息可靠度的查证
  3. 信息过载的处理
  4. 网上写作能力
  5. 利用电脑的演示能力
  6. 办公人体工效学–也就是办公室安全注意事项
  7. 代码排错能力
  8. 用户可用性的基本要点


Give me 500k, I will carry a baby for you

To get enough money for studying abroad, a Chinese girl uploaded a video to the net, looking for people who want surrogate mother. The message in the self-intro video is very clear,

“I want to be a surrogate mother and get 500k (USD$65k).”


Here are some points I translate from her intro.

I graduated 4,5 years ago, and work in a company in Shanghai. Everything is fine with me.

But some of my university classmates are doing very well. Some of them marry to very good husbands. Some of them have studied abroad. …

I have a dream. I want to study abroad, especially in the USA. I have had this dream for a

long time. …

I make 4k to 5k RMB a month. But the saving I have is still not enough. …

The cost for studying abroad needs more than 1 million RMB. …

I hope to get the money in a shorter time. …

My family background and my education do not allow me to do bad thing…

I don’t have the capital to start a business. I am not good at it either. …

My friend suggests me to do this. S/he learnt from the foreign web site….

This thing won’t hurt anybody…

Bearing child is difficult for sterility people. …

I am a healthy girl …

I think I am helping other family.

After I persuaded myself, I decide to do this….

I am 25 this year. My height is 1.66m. My weight is 50 kg. …

I take medical checkup every year. …

I have thought of many ways, such as newspaper ads or post on BBSs, to let public know this.

But I think QingYuLe is very popular, and it has video. I feel we can talk face to face in this way, and you can see how I look like. …

Now I let you see my whole health situation.

[Stand up and adjust the camera]

This is the whole me.

[Adjust the camera]

I have saved half million these years. I lack of another half million, so my price is half million. …

I never give birth to a child. …

If you decide, please drop me comment here. Hope you can be satisfied.

That’s all.

She is not from a poor family and does not need to support any ill family member. She has an undergrad degree and works in Shanghai, getting decent paid.

She just wants to get enough money for study abroad.

The video has a big QingYuLe logo shown on the bottom-right corner.  QingYuLe is a YouTube like web site in China. With so many video sharing sites on the market, it is not a surprise that some of them may come up with really innovative ideas to attract eyeballs. But who knows, maybe this girl really considers surrogacy is a fun job to play.

According to the comments left under this video on 6rooms.com, the market price for one surrogacy in China is only RMB50k to 100k(USD$6.5k to 13k). So maybe this girl needs to go a bit further, publishing a self-intro video on the net, to get better paid to achieve her dream.