How China is viewed in Africa?

One year ago, we saw China was competing with the US for African hearts and minds based on a BBC poll. Not long after that BBC poll, International Herald Leader, a subsidiary weekly of Xinhua News Agency, started a survey on how African view China. It took them five months to complete the survey.

We have conducted the survey with 121 representatives in some African countries, and 32 mainstream media of 16 African countries.  

It is a rather comprehensive survey.

I am glad that International Herald Leader grants me the right to translate and publish the survey report here, so that we can have one more different voice besides BBC. I believe this can also help people understand how China sees Africa.


A Survey of African’s Views On China

Original post: 《中国在非洲形象调查》 by International Herald Leader《国际先驱导报》

Translators: EPIN

Editor: Cathy and Jacky Peng

This year (2006) marks the 50th anniversary of the inauguration of diplomatic ties between new China and African countries. Although China and Africa are far away from each other, friendship and cooperation between China and Africa are long-standing. In half a century, friendship between China and Africa has been constantly consolidated and developed against the test of time. 

In former days, China was benignly called by African countries as their “Big Brother”. So, how do the Africans and African media view China today? What image does China have in their eyes today? 

To get the answer, 16 Africa-based branch agencies of International Herald Leader work with the Global Issues Research Centre of the Xinhua News Agency for a research. The research started in mid-May this year (2006). In 5 months, we have conducted the survey with 121 representatives in some African countries, and 32 mainstream media of 16 African countries. We have interviewed with overseas Chinese, Chinese expats in Africa and Chinese African experts. In the end, we can have a relatively clear understanding of how African view China at present. We can better understand the problems and reasons behind such view. 

This survey involves 16 countries: Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria, Zambia, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethel compare Asia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Senegal, Cameroon, Gabon, Cote D’Ivoire, Angola, Egypt, Sudan, Algeria. 

China in African’s heart: China has nothing do with “New Colonism.”

The African not only highly appreciate China’s achievements since the implementation of the reform and open policy, but also are very pleased to see a flourishing and prosperous China.  Continue reading “How China is viewed in Africa?”



根据文章里面提到的IT市场冲击,Web Services的出现及ICQ用户达到5000万等信息估摸这这篇文章应该是2001年写的,哪位知道这篇文章具体发表日期的,告诉一下,免得我瞎猜了。




另外,文章里面提到的,持续在线的多合一设备,无线局域网和蓝牙设备,即时通信,网络服务(Web Services)及托管主机服务(Managed Hosting)等几项都还挺符合现在发展的情况。




原文:Trends Shaping the Communications Industry


审稿:Jacky Peng

Continue reading “埃森哲在2001年对电信业发展的预测”

德里之行 1 -Hibiscus Project

When I heard of the Hibiscus project in the first time, James Bond’s tagline, deep voice came across my mind,

“I am Peng, Jacky Peng, from Hibiscus.”

I have read many Chinese spy stories when I was small. In the stories, those Chinese secret projects were usually code-named with flower names.The Hibiscus project, 芙蓉计划 in Chinese, sounds like a James Bond’s secret task to me.

Akwe Amosu introduced me this project few months ago. I was excited about it not just because its sexy name. As Daudi Were pointed out in this Delhi meeting,

“…A lot of the info we get about China comes from the West, and a lot of the info they talk about us comes from the West as well,”

There is a huge gap between both sides. Hibiscus is designed to create an on-line community for Chinese and African, facilitating conversations between both sides. That is something I love to participate and something my little bridge is meant to do.

Ethan and Imnakoya have some great summaries about the meeting. Here are some of my notes and thoughts on Hibiscus.
Continue reading “德里之行 1 -Hibiscus Project”


这篇是埃森哲(Accenture)技术实验室(Accenture Technology Labs)做的研究报告。

埃森哲是IT咨询业的老大之一。他们做的都是政府机构,大公司,大企业的IT项目。这篇文章所说的IT业也应该是指他们所专注企业内的,有“Big Impact”的商业运作IT项目,不是HopesomeHung,或幻灭眼里未来的IT世界。



1. 这些IT顾问们写文章喜欢用大词。在他们的演示里,用越大,越学术化的词就越能显示水平。什么SOAs,虚拟化,语意集成…不明就里的话,一下就给吓唬住。其实只要会摆弄自己Blog,能不时加一两个复杂点的插件的人平时都已经在用这些东东了。


2. 这些IT咨询公司应用的技术总是落后于IT技术的发展。我的感觉是至少落后两三年。






原文:The Major Trends that will Shape IT


审稿:Jacky Peng

Continue reading “改变未来IT业发展的趋势”

木瓜教程之Google Docs使用手册

Google Docs是一个基于Web的工具,它有跟Word相近的编辑界面,有一套简单易用的文档权限管理,而且它还记录下所有用户对文档所做的修改。

Google Docs的这些功能令它非常适用于网上共享与协作编辑文档。

Google Docs甚至可以用于监控责任清晰,目标明确的项目进度。对于简单的项目,它使用起来直接了当,不像dotProject那般复杂。

从Writely开始,我就一直在使用这个网上文档编辑工具。Writely被Google买去之后,整个工具跟Google的其它系统如Gmail,Google Spreadsheets等结合在一起,并且更名为Google Docs & Spreadsheets。这个木瓜教程讲的只是其中的Docs那部分,因此我这里只叫它Google Docs了。

另外,跟其它很多Google的产品一样,Google Docs在Firefox上有最好的显示效果,因此,这个教程引用的所有例子都是在Firefox上实现的。

  1. 登陆Google Docs
  2. 我一直很纳闷为什么国内的朋友很少知道Google Docs,因为Google Docs的链接如下图,就在Gmail主页的左上角上,一点就进去了。后来我才知道,如果Gmail的显示语言是设成中文的话,这个链接现在是没有的,相信Google Docs的中文版出来来后应该会加上去吧。

    Gmail Link

    图1:从英文版的Gmail进到Google Docs


    如果有Gmail帐号的话,可以用Gmail帐号登陆。如果你用习惯了原来的电邮地址,还不想体验Gmail的超级功能的话,你也可以点击登陆页面上的“Create a new Google Account”链接,用你的电邮地址来建立一个Google帐号。

    Continue reading “木瓜教程之Google Docs使用手册”