庞加莱猜想(Poincare conjecture)-关于田刚丘成桐事件

最近丘成桐先生宣布在美、俄等国科学家的工作基础上,中山大学朱熹平教授和旅美数学家、清华大学兼职教授曹怀东彻底证明了庞加莱猜想。(见Chinese mathematicians put final pieces in global puzzle – Poincare conjecture







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Singapore – the most Podcast aware nation?

Search “Podcast” on Google Trends, and click the Regions tab you will get the following diagram,

Singapore tops the list.

That means, out of all the search on google, Singapore has higher percentage of Podcast search than the United States, a country where the Podcast was born.

Does that mean Singapornean are more aware of Podcast? It could be.

But there are some factors besides listenership may affect the list.

  1. Listeners use other search engines to look for Podcast. For example, users in the States may prefer iTunes or Yahoo than Google as the Podcast search platform.
  2. Users in other countries search so many other topics that dilute the Podcast search.

Google Trends is a very interesting tool to know the users’ behavior on internet.

Search “China”, you will find Singapore is just behind Hong Kong.


That means many Singapornean are interested in China, which is not a surprise as Chinese is Singapore’s majority.

But when I search “Asian babe”, Singapore is in the second place too!


“Asian babe” is a term used in porn graphics search. Does that mean Singapornean are hypocrites and sex maniac? It could be. 🙂

But when I search “Play boy”, South America countries occupy the top 10 list.


One possible explaination: different countries use different terms to search porn pictures.

Movie review: 12 Weeks With Geeks

It is a documentary about a software project development. Four interns worked in the Fog Creek Software for the Copilot project. They worked for 3 months and delivered the first version of the application.

I learnt about Fog Creek Software from the book and the blog Joel On Software. The book gives some very interesting and enlightening explanations on software engineering and project management.

I expected that I could find out from this movie in details how Joel led a team to develop software, web application particularly. I’d thought this movie would show me something like collecting user specifications, making plan, working on code, fixing bugs and so on. But the movie actually is about the life and thoughts of the developers. You can not learn project management skills from this movie. Rather, it is about what makes a dream office, team, or life to geeks, the software developers here.

Though they kept saying they have to work over night, long hours, they all looked very happy and satisfied. They had very nice workstations, though lack of privacy, and comfortable dorms. They grew tomato, went jogging, and had parties. They made fun out of samll or senseless things in life. For example, they tried hard to figure out whether they could escape the building by jumping to the next block in case of fire.

The movie gives me some senses of how the start-up gets started in the US too. But it does not go deep into that. It does not show how and where you can get funds or what you should do after complete the development.

Overall, it is an interesting movie. I would suggest the viewers to read the Joel On Software before or after the movie.

The driving force (for the hackers) is usually a combination of the desire to get rich, the desire for power, and the desire to sort of make something. And they (are) kind of overlap. – from the movie.

Automate Language Translation

美国之音3月24号的Talk To America的节目介绍了一种新的翻译技术。跟其它的自动翻译有点不同,这种技术除了翻译普通的语言外,它还尝试翻译非语音的交流(Non-spoken Language)。这种非语音的交流包括身体语言(Body Language)与表情(Expressions)等。

咋一听起来有点玄。其实我们平时在网上用QQ,ICQ,MSN聊天的时候都有尝试做类似的事情。我们会用一些特殊的符号如 🙂 :p 等等去表答我们的情绪。这种新技术就是想通过记录人的神经信号去“翻译”人的情绪。





  1. 录下一段外语节目,比如说CNN的外语新闻。
  2. 根据所录的节目录下自己做的同步传译。
  3. 同朋友一起复习检查自己做的传译。

Download the mp3 file of this program here.